Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Solar Power Battery Storage in Adelaide Worth the Investment?

With global resources gradually fading away, the demand for solar energy is expected to thrive by leaps and bounds. Interest in solar power battery storage in Adelaide is high, thanks to the resurgence of massive power outages and blackouts. According to recent studies, 2018 saw a significant hike in customers flocking towards battery storage.

Lithium-Ion Batteries Reign Supreme

Lithium-ion batteries have emerged as the most sought-after batteries in the market. Studies show that over eighty per cent of the market is filled with lithium-ion batteries. Generally, the top-quality batteries have a ten-year warranty.

The performance span of the battery is only vaguely related to its warranty period. In other words, they may or may not continue performing after the expiry of the warranty. Therefore, experts recommend availing solar battery system in Adelaide that will break even over its designated warranty period.

How Beneficial Is a Solar Power Battery Storage?

A defining advantage of solar batteries is that they are a lucrative ecological alternative. Although solar batteries are comparatively costlier, they can provide sufficient backup without producing greenhouse gas emissions.

Much depends on the way the panels are connected to the electric grid. More often than not, traditional solar panel systems are vulnerable to significant power losses. However, in the presence of a battery, such inconsistencies do not arise. Hence, the emerging popularity of solar power battery storage in Adelaide!

With more and more outlets coming out with advanced technologies, a majority of homeowners are looking forward to going off the grid. In other words, an all-around cessation of electrical utilities; indeed, solar power batteries can make it possible.

To go completely off the grid, you need a battery that is facilitated to store extra energy. Solar power batteries are perfect for the same.

What the Future Holds

solar battery system in Adelaide has its obvious benefits. However, there are considerable financial challenges to achieving a completely off-grid system. You should be ready to accommodate a separate multi-battery energy storing capacity near your home.

In spite of the apparent challenges, the future is solar. Over the last decade, power outages have risen across the world. Unexpected blackouts often disrupt communication networks and paralyse the goings-on of life. Against such a backdrop, it would be naive to resist the benefits of solar energy. Experts contend that greater public awareness is necessary if the world is to survive an era deprived of a majority of natural resources.   

Friday, September 27, 2019

A Comprehensive Guide on Solar Battery and Its Uses at Home in Adelaide

The energy market is evolving rapidly and mainly because of the decreasing amount of fossil fuel. The search for alternative power sources is at an all-time high. Amongst the various options, solar power is currently holding the top spot. One of the best ways of using solar energy is through a solar battery in Adelaide.

Understanding a solar battery
A solar battery is a storage unit where the electricity generated by the solar panels gets stored. If the power generated by the installed system is not used immediately, it gets diverted to the energy grid. Having a battery means, having your electricity even after sharing a portion.

By choosing to install a solar battery in Adelaide, you will have access to the following benefits:

The various advantages of going for a battery
·            You will be able to save a lot of money as it uses less energy from the grid.
·            It will also reduce the emissions associated with coal and gas power generators.
·            As you will have power available round the clock and at your convenience, there is no need to worry about blackouts anymore.
·            As you will be able to generate and store the energy created, there won’t be any worries about depending on a system or service provider. You will be independent, and that will be one of the best things.

If you are wondering about choosing the right kind of battery, it is crucial to know the types available. There are quite a few types which can help your solar power system in Adelaide.

They are:

Lithium-Ion battery
It is the most used and popular battery type in the market. These batteries are durable and have deep depth discharge.

Flow battery
These batteries use flowing electrolytes, including bromide or zinc for storing and releasing electricity. They can operate even in high temperature, can get discharged UPTO 100% and does not lose the capacity too fast.

Nickel-Iron battery
These batteries are incredibly durable, has high energy density and can get discharged completely. They are also expensive and takes a long time to charge. Hence, the batteries are not that compatible with a solar power system in Adelaide.

Lead-Acid battery
These batteries are not considered to be smart choices anymore. Though they are relatively cheap, their lifespan is way shorter, and they lack the efficiency provided by the other kinds of batteries.

The price of solar batteries depends on the size, make, model and brand. If you are thinking about going off-grid, then it is crucial to choose the right kind of battery. An overview of the subject will help with the decision.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

5 Trends That Make 2019 an Ideal Time to Invest in Solar Panels in Adelaide and Other Cities

Australian customers are finally waking up to the various benefits of relying on solar power. Renewable energy sources such as solar energy are coming to prominence, as customers are adopting sustainable household practices and habits. The renewable energy products and services industry is also flourishing at breakneck speed with diverse, functional renewable energy projects and products entering the market every day. If these signs were not decisive enough, then solar panel rebates in Adelaide and other cities have been another source of encouragement for customers to show initiative towards renewable energy.

How is the market for solar power trending?
The market for photo-voltaic solar technology is on the rise and how. Technological advancements and consumer demand have made it into a trending business. In 2019, the solar technology market in Australia alone has stepped up to fight the energy crisis. Experts infer that:

i.    Solar energy costs take a nosedive
Residential consumer solar technology is more affordable now than ever. Customers are deciding to install solar panels in Adelaide homes, by the dozen. The cost of consumer-grade photovoltaic products has decreased since their emergence in 2009.

With leading businesses in the industry representing India and China, Australian solar energy product manufacturers are bound to let their product prices drop.

ii.    Increasing dependence on solar energy
Solar PV technology is one of the most reliable and ecologically sustainable means of obtaining energy. Considering the cost of accruing solar power and the manufacturing cost of solar devices, the dependence on solar energy is on the rise.

Businesses are integrating the use of solar energy in every aspect of energy requirement. Residential consumer solar energy services have also been reinvigorated with the help of the Internet of Things, to help distribute services.

iii.    Commercial use of solar power
As mentioned in the previous point, business/corporate consumers are also subscribing to solar power. Commercial customers consume a more significant share of solar energy, as it is more cost-effective for them. The more these corporate entities start investing in solar power, the better for all in general.

With businesses trying to outbid each other for a reduced carbon footprint, the use of solar power-capturing equipment goes up, and the price of the same decreases.

iv.    Employment opportunities in the sector
As more customers purchase solar panels in Adelaide and other Australian cities, the industry flourishes and innovates. So we have a new, promising sector in our hands that is offering excellent employment opportunities to the citizens.

The solar power generation industry requires qualified technicians who are experts at installing, maintaining and troubleshooting PV equipment. With the growing requirement for skilled technicians who can implement PV machinery for consumers, this industry is on the rise.

v.    Renewable energy stockpile
The market for solar energy flourish more, as the leading, developing and developed countries begin to compete with each other over the size of their renewable energy inventory. The Australian businesses are offering solar panel rebates in Adelaide and other Australian cities to encourage consumers to reduce their household carbon footprint and store renewable energy for consumption.

Thus, the solar energy industry has all the impetus it takes to make itself a necessity by the end of 2019.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The points to help you compare different solar battery options before making the right choice

Deciding on the most suitable solar battery in Adelaide can be a confusing endeavour. When it comes to solar power storage, product specifications are complicated and numerous. This makes choosing the most suitable option little more complicated than anticipated. Having some guidance will help to make the right decision.

One of the best ways of approaching the issue is to compare the available options based on specific parameters. These criteria need to be set according to your requirement and benefit. The appropriate points are:

Capacity and Power

Capacity is the amount of electricity a battery can store, and it is measured in kilowatt per hour. Most storage options used for setting up a Solar Power System in Adelaide are stackable. It indicates that multiple batteries can be included for optimal performance.

The power rating of the battery tells you the amount of electricity it is capable of providing at any given moment. It is measured in kilowatt. A battery with higher capacity and lower power rating will give a small amount of electricity for a long time. On the other hand, a cell with a low capacity and higher power rating will offer a higher level of power but for a short time.

Depth of Discharge

The term, depth of discharge, indicates the percentage of a battery’s capacity that has been used. Each solar battery in Adelaide needs to retain some portion of charge due to its chemical composition. If 100% of the load is used, then the life of the battery will be shortened significantly. Most manufacturers mention the maximum DoD required for optimal performance. Higher DoD means the ability to use more energy from the battery’s capacity.

 Round Trip Efficiency

Round trip efficiency of a cell indicates the amount of energy you can use, which is a percentage of the amount of energy required to store it. A higher amount of round trip efficiency means more economic value for the battery you are buying.

Battery Life and Warranty

In a solar power system in Adelaide, the battery stores electricity. The battery cycles through changing and draining every day. Its ability to hold charge will get reduced slowly over time. A battery will have a warranty stating the cycles or years of useful life it has. These numbers are crucial regarding your decision.


Like buying any other product, you need to consider the brand name in this context as well. More often than not, products from a reliable and reputed brand perform better than a non-branded one. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Benefits of Installing Solar Panels in Adelaide In Terms of Government Rebates

With the effective utilisation of solar power, the use of a solar panel rebate in Adelaide has also grown significantly in recent years. The system is quite easy to handle and generates energy directly from the sunlight. Installing a solar panel would reduce the costs of installation as the different government policies encourage rebates on the same. This makes the option affordable for everybody irrespective of their economic and financial status. Every country has a different refund policy and must comply with the government feed-in-tariff scheme to claim subsidy on installation of the solar power system.

solar panels Adelaide

Benefits of Installing Solar Power Rebates

The rebates used for the solar panels in Adelaide offer amazing financial support to the different households, communities and businesses so that energy can be produced expertly with the installation of a small-scale electricity system. The government provides solar credits in terms of the Renewable Energy Certificates or the RECs to these individuals and companies for installing the system. The level of support generally varies according to the location, size and cost of the REC.

The latest modifications of the solar panel rebate in Adelaide is hugely beneficial in terms of cost and helps the owners to saves thousands of dollars on the grid-connected solar system. The rebate program can be availed by every person who has installed the system including the individual households, community groups and business houses. With a wide range of rebates available on different installations, you can easily save the environment and a lot of money at the same time. Currently, there are two types of rebate systems available that include the small-scale renewable energy scheme or the STC and the feed-in-tariff or the FIT. The amount of rebate will generally depend upon the energy provider and the state government legislature.

Thus, by installing the solar panels in Adelaide, you can easily save a significant sum of your hard-earned money. All you need to do is claim your rebate or grant. This means that investing in solar power can prove to be a viable investment option. With massive rebate and grant schemes, the government promotes a healthy environment for everyone.

Monday, May 6, 2019

What You Should Know About Solar Panel Systems in Adelaide

Just like any other novice, you too might be curious to know what is solar energy and how do solar panels work in absorbing energy and later generating power for your home or business environment. The overall cost of using solar devices to capture and convert the same into electricity is relatively lower, which thereby gives you every possible chance of opting for solar power systems.

Solar Panel System Adelaide

Brief Information On Solar Panel System

The solar panels have good conductors attached to it, which helps to form an electrical circuit through which the electrons begin to flow and generates electricity. Multiple cells are used to make solar panels which are set up together in such a manner that they form a perfect solar array. So, the more solar panels you can install, the more energy you can expect to generate. You can buy a well-designed solar panel system in Adelaide which would work effectively and absorb as much solar power as possible through the day.

The Fine Craftsmanship of Solar Panels

The Photovoltaic solar panels are crafted from multiple solar cells which are made from semiconductors. Besides this, they also have a negative and positive layer above it that creates an electric field similar to a battery. Many of you may wonder what would happen if the solar panels produce excess power; in such cases, the energy is sent to the grid via the net energy metering, and once the battery gets depleted, the energy can be retrieved once again from the grid.
So, if you have been looking for Solar PV panels or any other solar device to be installed on your residential and commercial property, then you simply need to contact a reputable solar products retailer. Before you do so, it is suggested to visit their online website and go through their products and services page and find out all the details on how they work, the installation charges and if they offer discounts and solar panel rebate in Adelaide.

Is Solar Power Battery Storage in Adelaide Worth the Investment?

With global resources gradually fading away, the demand for solar energy is expected to thrive by leaps and bounds. Interest in  solar po...